Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Blogging In 日本

こにちわ キアンです,
Hihi all yeah holidaying in Japan in the Airport now so like bored abit so i thought i finally update this, yeah umm so ok my trip was with my Dad, yeah i know my DAD... but he is really a damn cool person you know i mean how many of your fathers play PSP all the time and do all kinds of weird stuff. i mean he bought his PSP one day after lookin at it in a shop. I tell you i was like WTF man WTF how come you can buy one??? Then he replied well i make money you only get allowance. Ok ok enough fro todai update another time on my trip.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Monday Training

Oha-Lucky Mina San. Ok to business today was a good day. Why you ask well thats means you never go to training yesterday. Ok ok here it is the bogu came.(This the part you break into like super happy for me). Like after so long then i come lah. wah lao wait like siow lor . Anyway all is goos as everyone is happy. If your not happy you can poke you !@@#^&%^%#@#% up Your @#$%*^&().

Ok then during training was like no warm up.... Yeah right all of us with new do got do practiced on. arrgh lah. nvm i still feel good. its not that bad really ounce you get hit its not so bad. then like the rest was normal training things. Kirikaeshi and other things. then like suddenly my right heel started hurting and wow like cannot walk properly and the fumi komi like just stopped, Its just me not doing it properly lah, damn must change bad habits. i also have bad habit of bringing my left foot forward that must change too damn it. anyway its ok its all part of the great and awesome learning process.

yeah thats all for now, as the hand is starting to ache and my brain is empty of things to throw out. K bye for now.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday Training plus week summary

Hi all, Wah wad a week lah. and to top it off like training on Friday was like a almost failure for me lor.My first Tobi Komi men was like a almost total miss and the turn almost caused me to sprain my left ankle, and believe me it like hurt for the rest of the training. the rest of the training was ok until i almost got like the wind knocked out of me by a huge right handed men and kirikaeshi wah that was like killer, then the men was like not a real fit and was a bit loose for me and everytime some guy would hit men too hard the impact could be felt in the throat and wow did that suck, the whole training like was gonna hurl anytime lor. Other than that the training was good. And after training i got an ego boost yay. someone commented on my do cut. yes. haha. but i still think that my do cut sux as you can clearly see that i am going for do. And yes i need to work more on my nidan waza. very important right now and stamina yes that too. yeah thats all for now so like hehe bye.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

So Long No Post So Time To Talk

Hi all finally got the nerve to start typing again. yes i know kinda stupid of me but what can i say lazy mah. Haha. Anyway update for people who don't know what i am up to i came back from The World Scout Jamboree on the 12th of August. Then had stupid Exams wah a pain in the A$$. Then yay!!! Kendo Training started wow cool man wear do and tare. then finalised the orders for the bogu and other random shit that the others and i ordered really some of the items are random shit. Haha got in trouble with dad about the payment thingy on the way, and yes i have learnt my lesson. Good then a couple of weeks ago we were taught to wear men. for people that don't know what i am talking about men is not some random guy. But its like a mask like sort of thing that kenshi wear when practicing. Ok then there was Kendo Camp yay. so excited i was. the Camp was damn fun like no other camp i have been on before. cause no flag break but wow cool man got to train like i never trained before. although many people got muscle ache i surprisingly didn't have many lor. OMGness is it because i not working hard enough. the camp to me was like not siong enough man. like no kick. haha. But the combined training was Uber Cool man wah so many people. and made new friends yay. they are like so polite to us cause we are like 4 months their senior and like wow, even in scouts people don't treat you like that. Ok thats all for now hand tired.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Damn I posted late

Hi, damn it late arrgh wtf. Ok now time to boost my ego abit. Monday trianing was fun go a small compey, woo hoo i beat luke and i felt damn good, sorry luke. anyway i am like practicing at home and its not easy lor. must make sure not to hit my ceiling lah arrgh. anyway because i am goin for the world jamboree in july. my schedule is like screwed up. with stupid meeting that are just repeating wads the did the last time and wads with the gay dance man bleeech.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Just Made

Hi World, Just made My first personal blog............... Wah Lao So Long lah. HAHA ok This blog is like only fun stuff like gundam and kendo and anime and manga and many other cool things like cosplay and stuff kk. enough talk now lets get on with the show.